Today's Strands hint and answer for "Gonna fly now!", Dec 5

Welcome to our daily update Strands hint page.Here you can find hint and answer for NYT Strands Dec 5.

Strands Hint provides helpful clues for the NYT Strands puzzle. Check out for assistance with today's Strands game!

Hint No.1: What is the theme for today's Strands?

theme of Strands Dec 5 is:

Gonna fly now!

Today's theme, 'Gonna fly now!', focuses on things that can fly. It could include creatures from myths, legends, or the natural world.

Hint No.2: What are the hint for Today's Strands Spagram?

I will show you part of spagram word for today's NYT Strands:

- spangram length: 11
- spangram first 3 letters: WIN
- spangram description: The spangram is a word that describes something capable of flight. Think of a term that encompasses these airborne entities.

Hint No.3 What are the hint of today's Strands themes words?

The clues point to various creatures or objects associated with flight. Look for beings that are often depicted or known for their ability to fly.

the first 3 letters of today's Strands themes words is:

  • - ANG
  • - BUT
  • - DRA
  • - FAI
  • - GRI
  • - STO

Hint No.4: What is The spangram of Today's Strands?

Be careful, click Button Below will uncover the spangram word for today's Strands

Hint No.5: What are the answer for Today's Strands?

Be careful, click Button Below will get all the answer for today's NYT Strands

That's all the hint and answer for today's NYT Strands game. We hope this helps you solve the puzzle. Happy puzzling!

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